name meanings

Names Kaleb Thru Kaylyn

Name Meanings > Kaleb to Kaylyn

The following names are the most common names between Kaleb and Kaylyn which have been given to babies in the USA during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The referenced rank and count values are based on Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given as first names in each of these years.  This list and other similar lists on this site can help you find the meaning of many popular and unusual first names.

Baby Name Meanings - Kaleb thru Kaylyn

  • Kaleb is a common English boy's name and is a variation of Caleb.
  • Kaleigh is an unusual Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Kayley.
  • Kaley is an unusual Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Kayley.
  • Kali is a common Indian girl's name that means black one.
  • Kameron is a common Modern English boy's name and is a variation of Cameron.
  • Kamryn is an unusual English girl's name and is a variation of Cameron.
  • Kanye is a very unusual Modern English boy's name and is of unknown meaning.
  • Kara is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Cara.
  • Kareem is a common Arabic boy's name and is a variation of Karim.
  • Karen is a popular Scandinavian girl's name and is a variation of Catherine.
  • Kari is a common Norwegian girl's name and is an alternate form of Katherine.
  • Karim is a very unusual Arabic boy's name that means noble or generous.
  • Karin is a common Scandinavian girl's name and is a variation of Catherine.
  • Karina is a common Polish girl's name and is a diminutive form of Katarzyna.
  • Karissa is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Charissa.
  • Karl is a common German boy's name that means man.
  • Karla is a common girl's name and is a variation of Carla.
  • Karlee is an unusual Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Carly.
  • Karol is an unusual girl's name and is a variation of Carol.
  • Karolyn is a very unusual girl's name and is a variation of Carolyn.
  • Kasey is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Casey.
  • Kassandra is a common Greek girl's name and is an alternate form of Cassandra.
  • Kassidy is an unusual English girl's name and is a variation of Cassidy.
  • Katarzyna is a very unusual boys name or girls name which, in its more common form as a girl's name, is an alternate form of Katherine.
  • Kate is a common girl's name and is a diminutive form of Catherine.
  • Katelyn is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Caitlin.
  • Katelynn is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Katelyn.
  • Katharine is a common girl's name and is a variation of Catherine.
  • Katherine is a popular girl's name and is a variation of Catherine.
  • Kathleen is a popular Irish Gaelic girl's name and is a variation of Catherine.
  • Kathryn is a popular girl's name and is a variation of Catherine.
  • Kathy is a popular girl's name and is a diminutive form of Catherine.
  • Katie is a popular girl's name and is a diminutive form of Kate.
  • Katlyn is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Caitlin.
  • Katrina is a common girl's name and is a variation of Katherine.
  • Katy is a common English girl's name and is a diminutive form of Kate.
  • Kay is a common girl's name and is a diminutive form of Catherine.
  • Kaya is a very unusual Scandinavian girl's name and is a diminutive form of Katherine.
  • Kayden is a very unusual English boy's name and is a variation of Kaden.
  • Kaydence is a very unusual Modern English girl's name and is an alternate form of Cadence.
  • Kaye is a common girl's name and is a diminutive form of Catherine.
  • Kayla is a popular English girl's name and is an alternate form of Kayley.
  • Kaylee is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Kayley.
  • Kayleigh is a common Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Kayley.
  • Kayley is a very unusual girl's name and may be derived from a surname.
  • Kaylie is an unusual English girl's name and is a variation of Kayley.
  • Kaylin is an unusual Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Cailin.
  • Kaylyn is an unusual Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Cailin.

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First Name Meanings