name meanings

Names Claudette Thru Cristina

Name Meanings > Claudette to Cristina

The following names are the most common names between Claudette and Cristina which have been given to babies in the USA during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The referenced rank and count values are based on Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given as first names in each of these years.  This list and other similar lists on this site can help you find the meaning of many popular and unusual first names.

Baby Name Meanings - Claudette thru Cristina

  • Claudette is a common French girl's name and is a feminine form of Claude.
  • Claudia is a popular Latin girl's name and is a feminine form of Claude.
  • Claudine is an unusual French girl's name and is a feminine form of Claude.
  • Clay is a common boy's name and is a diminutive form of Clayton.
  • Clayton is a popular English boy's name that means town near a clay bed.
  • Clem is a very unusual boy's name and is a diminutive form of Clement.
  • Clement is a common Latin boy's name that means mild or merciful.
  • Cleo is a common girl's name and is a diminutive form of Cleopatra.
  • Clifford is a popular English boy's name that means place to ford a river near a cliff.
  • Clifton is a common English boy's name that means town near a cliff.
  • Clint is a common boy's name and is a diminutive form of Clinton.
  • Clinton is a common English boy's name that means town near a hill.
  • Clyde is a popular Scottish boy's name and is derived from the name of a river in Scotland.
  • Coby is an unusual English boy's name and is a diminutive form of Jacob.
  • Cody is a popular Irish boy's name that means son of Otto.
  • Colby is a common Old English boy's name that means coal town.
  • Cole is a common Old English boy's name that means black.
  • Coleman is a common English boy's name and is a variation of Colman.
  • Colette is a common Old French girl's name and is a feminine diminutive form of Nicholas.
  • Colin is a common English boy's name that means young boy or triumphant people.
  • Colleen is a popular Irish Gaelic girl's name that means girl.
  • Collin is a common English boy's name and is a variation of Colin.
  • Colman is a very unusual boys name or girls name which, in its more common form as a girl's name, may be derived from a surname.
  • Colten is an unusual English boy's name and is a variation of Colton.
  • Colton is a common English boy's name and is derived from the name of a town in England.
  • Conner is a common Irish boy's name and is a variation of Connor.
  • Connie is a popular girl's name and is a diminutive form of Constance.
  • Connor is a popular Irish boy's name that means dog lover.
  • Conor is a common Irish boy's name and is a variation of Connor.
  • Conrad is a common Germanic boy's name that means bold counsel.
  • Constance is a popular Latin girl's name that means constancy.
  • Constantine is a very unusual Latin boy's name that means stable or steady.
  • Cooper is a common Middle English boy's name that means barrel maker.
  • Cora is a common Greek girl's name that means maiden.
  • Corbin is a common Latin boy's name that means raven.
  • Corey is a popular Old Norse boy's name and is of unknown meaning.
  • Corinne is a common Greek girl's name and is a diminutive form of Cora.
  • Cornelia is a common Latin girl's name and is a feminine form of Cornelius.
  • Cornelius is a common Latin boy's name that means horn.
  • Corrine is a common Greek girl's name and is a diminutive form of Cora.
  • Cortney is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Courtney.
  • Cory is a popular English boy's name and is a variation of Corey.
  • Courtney is a popular girl's name that means domain of Curtis or short nose.
  • Coy is a common English boy's name that means forest.
  • Craig is a popular Welsh boy's name that means rock.
  • Cristal is a common Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Crystal.
  • Cristian is a common English boy's name and is a variation of Christian.
  • Cristina is a common Italian girl's name and is an alternate form of Christina.

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First Name Meanings